Raphael Reis in TCR South America with the new CUPRA VZ

Raphael Reis in TCR South America with the new CUPRA VZ

07 February 2024

TCR South America race winner and title contender Raphael Reis will return to the series as well as to TCR Brasil for the 2024 season.

Reis was classified third last year in both championships, having scored two race wins at Termas de Río Hondo and Velocitta at the wheel of a CUPRA Leon Competición run by the W2 Pro GP team.

Reis will stay with the team for the fourth consecutive season but will switch to a brand new CUPRA Leon VZ.

W2 Pro GP that won the inaugural title of TCR Brasil last year with Galid Osman, had already announced Guilherme Reischl as one of its drivers.


Picture: TCR South America

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