Prop Car tested the Alfa Romeo Giulietta cars in Interlagos

Prop Car tested the Alfa Romeo Giulietta cars in Interlagos

21 May 2021


The Prop Car team spent one day of testing in Interlagos with the two Alfa Romeo Giulietta cars that will be raced in the inaugural season. 
The drivers that have been already confirmed – Fabio Casagrande, Tim Lewis and Roy Block – took stints at the wheel of the Italian cars.
While this was the first test for Casagrande with the Alfa Romeo TCR and the team, Block and Lewis – who are regularly racing the Giulietta in the IMSA challenge but hadn’t driven in Interlagos before – focused on covering as many kilometres as possible.

“Interlagos is an old-fashioned circuit in a positive sense. I’m very pleased to drive here. It’s a dream that comes true to go at full speed on such an iconic racetrack. Both, Tim Lewis and myself, were keen to discover the circuit the team’s way of working. I’m very much looking forward to see how the TCR cars will be performing during the races that, I’m sure will be very entertaining,” said Block. 


Picture: TCR South America

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