Introduction of TCR’s hybrid system delayed to 2024

Introduction of TCR’s hybrid system delayed to 2024

22 December 2022

The WSC Group has announced that the global introduction of the new hybrid system for TCR cars had been postponed to 2024.

The completion of the technical development through an extensive testing programme with the cooperation of Romeo Ferraris team had aroused strong interest from manufacturers and promoters; however, due to changes in the touring car landscape, the programme has been put back a year.


“This decision has been dictated by the new scenario that opened following the change of format of World Touring Car competition,” explained WSC President Marcello Lotti.

“The launch of the TCR World Ranking that resulted in the launch of the TCR World Tour has advised us to reconsider the application of the hybrid system. In fact, this would have precluded the competitors of national championships with cars without the hybrid system to vie on equal terms with the TCR World Tour regulars. We have explained the situation to the promoters who wished to introduce the hybrid system from next year, telling them that their requests will be fulfilled in 2024.”


Picture: Romeo Ferraris

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